This soup has a smooth texture and a light taste; it's well worth the effort. I remember my grandmother preparing it, filling the whole house with the smell of roasted garlic...
A hearty soup, great for a cold, blustery March day--or any day! My husband Tom developed this recipe and got it just right on the second try. Best if cooked one day ahead, refrigerated overnight and heated...
Packed with vegetables and sausages, this classic Bavarian-style potato soup is more of a main dish than a starter. In Germany the sausage of choice would be Regensburg sausage, a short and stubby parboiled...
This is a very forgiving recipe. Don't worry if you have to modify the amounts or substitute a little. Try it with fresh tomatoes and basil in the summer! Serve in bowls or scoop out 8 inch round loaves...
I don't peel the tomatoes because there are lots of vitamins and fiber in the skin. If you puree the soup well, you won't taste them. I use half cherry tomatoes, half regular tomatoes.
I first experienced this great soup (the Stilton makes all the difference) on my honeymoon at a little cafe and bookstore near the train station in Edinburgh, Scotland. The day was damp, misty and cool...
This cabbage soup is perfect for a chilly winter night. I like my food fairly spicy, so be sure to adjust spices if this is not the case for you. I eat this with a small dollop of sour cream on top and...
Powerhouse whole grains and autumn vegetables simmer to perfection in this comforting, vegan-friendly soup. To make the squash easier to peel and chop, pierce and microwave for a minute or two. Any type...
This flavorful soup is a great treat any time of year! Its sweet and fresh taste redefines this typically average dish while chunks of tomatoes give it a hearty and filling appeal. Serve small portions...
White bean soup with spinach and leeks is a delicious and filling soup that is perfect for vegetarians if you use vegetable broth, and quick to make. I've been making this soup for years, but I really...
I make this soup with small yellow squash from my yard and leave the skin on. They give the soup a wonderful color and a mild buttery flavor. You can also make them with zucchini, but pick small, young...
I adapted this recipe from another I'd come across and created something a little more hearty and creamy. All it needs is the right combination of spices. This is an extremely simple soup to create, and...
Do you have guests you would like to impress? This is the best pumpkin soup I have ever tasted. It is so good it leaves you with a craving that lasts for weeks! Wonderful to serve for the holidays. I like...
This meatball minestrone is a friend and family favorite. It's even better the next day, if there's any left over! Serve with crusty bread and Parmesan cheese to top the soup.
This is a mushroom lover's dream! As the cold weather rolls in, we'll all be craving simple warm soups. This one is easy and delicious! If making this for a family, I suggest doubling the recipe, as it...
The is a creamy, slightly sweet, and savory soup that is PERFECT for fall and the holidays! You can buy pre-cut butternut squash at some grocery stores.
A warm, filling soup that is a wonderful cool weather lunch or dinner and is especially great with a side of multi-grain bread! I load up on thickly cut mushrooms and use traditional Hungarian Sweet Paprika....
I came up with this soup recipe when I got potatoes, leeks, and spinach in my CSA box and didn't know what to do with them. It turned out delicious and is perfect for fall vegetables.
Love Thai flavors and I felt they would be a perfect match to play off the richness of a butternut squash soup. Curry, coconut, spicy are a wonderful to balance the richness of the squash. The first time...
This soup is an easy recipe for a cold fall or winter day. My family loves it and we make is about once a week during the chilly seasons. Any leftovers are great for lunch boxes!
Sweet potatoes are cooked in chicken broth, pureed, and then seasoned with with nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon and cayenne, and made even creamier (but still low-fat) by adding fat-free half-and-half.